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 Private investors, WealtPh Builders, Business coach can understand How technology is transforming stockbroking in India. You can also understand this by reading Business Magazines or taking Executive Leadership Coaching.

Technology is definitely an over-used word in the world of stockbroking. While all brokers showcase their technological prowess and achievements, even the simplest requirements of traders/investors are often neglected.

Technology is outsourced by brokers to software companies which are not directly in touch with the ground realities of traders’ expectations.

You can execute your own trades online and operate your trading and demat account seamlessly without any assistance of the broker. Below are some of the ways in with technology has transformed stockbroking

Broking fees:-

Technology has reduced the cost of doing business to a great extent. Since most of the work is being done online, physical presence and branches are not necessary.


There is an unbelievable improvement in the speed of order execution over the years. What used to take 15-30 minutes can now be done in a fraction of a second.

Executive Leadership coaching

Executive coaches unlock the potential of any leader to enable them to maximize their overall performance and their organization.
An executive coach understands leadership , how decisions are made, and where the power resides in organization.

Business Coach

Business coaches help entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals grow in a variety of ways. They receive payment and usually work on a fixed schedule to share actionable feedback, personalized advice, and growth plans for their clients to increase company revenue, accelerate their career, or increase business growth.

Offering a reliable and stable trading platform should be the main focus of a broker in today’s circumstances.
