Health tips for youngsters to stay fit during Corona

You can either practise some Natural Health Tips or workout at home
using some basic equipment like skipping ropes, dumbbells, etc.
There is direct relationship between your diet, and health. Your nutrition is a key player when it comes to physical, mental, and social well being.

The coronavirus pandemic has made it harder for kids and families to maintain healthy habits. 


1. Hand washing and hand sanitizer use at home, at play and out and about

2. Healthy at home toolkit : prevention and care

Physical activity

1. Ways to keep kids Exercising During COVID-19

2. Active play for toddlers

3. Be an Active family

With much of the country under stay at home orders, the coronavirus pandemic  continues to affect every aspect of our daily lives.
While teens are adjusting to distance learning , many working parents are navigating the shift to working from home.

Youngsters need exercise to stay mentally and physically healthy. But with gyms and parks closed, and organized sports for the foreseeable future.

There's an option for them during this difficult time.

Zoom Classes

From boxing to yoga to pilates and zumba , you can find something your teen can do from home that will come close to the workout they'd get in a gym.

Body weight workouts

The classics bodyweight moves are pushups,lunges, planks and situps.
There are hundreds more classic exercises that utilize bodyweight or light weights alone.

Take a walk

With proper social distancing; walking can be done at home or outside home.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation reduces stress , controls anxiety, promotes emotional health , improves self awareness .

Diet during Covid

1. Supplements and immunity boosting foods
2. Stay hydrated

3. Vitamin C

4. Vitamin D

5. Turmeric and Garlic

Every child's circumstances are going to be different but one thing is for sure, teenagers are not meant to be cooped up at home for weeks or months on end.
Make sure your child has time to relax and is connecting with friends online on a regular basis. Encourage them to take up a hobby they enjoy, spend time with a pet, or practice minfulness.

